Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God
As you make New Year’s resolutions, ask the Holy Spirit the following this year:
1. to reveal your identity.
2. to reveal HIS purpose and plan for your life.
3. to reveal your Citizenship in HIS KINGDOM
4. to reveal HIS AGAPE LOVE to you and you me.
Paul describes the Kingdom of God in Romans 14:17 as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. The unseen is revealed through the Spirit of God living in you. The Kingdom of God is a Government/Nation with a King and HIS HEIRS.
God’s Purpose and Plan is to establish and rule HIS Kingdom on earth through HIS children, offspring, sons and daughters, as Ambassadors and Citizens of the Kingdom of God.
We are to rule the seen realm of the earth from the unseen realm Holy Spirit living in the seen body of the Believer in the seen earth.
God has given you HIS heavenly, unseen thoughts through HIS 24 hour communication system of HIS SPIRIT with your SPIRIT. God reveals HIS plans, purpose, ways and thoughts to you through the Holy Spirit
HE has given you HIS HOLY SPIRIT to help you understand ALL that HE has for you.
11 For what person knows
the thoughts and motives of a man
except the man’s spirit within him?
So also no one knows the thoughts of God
except the Spirit of God
12 Now we have received,
not the spirit of the world,
but the [Holy] Spirit who is from God
so that we may know and understand
the [wonderful] things freely given to us by God.
13 We also speak of these things,
not in words taught or supplied by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit,
combining and interpreting spiritual thoughts
with spiritual words
[for those being guided by the Holy Spirit].
1 Corinthians 2:11-12 AMP
The King has given you HIS constitution of HIS WORD and declaration of HIS LOVE living in HIS CHILDREN. Go LOVE the seen world through the unseen AGAPE LOVE living in you. This is how you establish HIS KINGDOM and NATION.
Copyright © 2023 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED