Kingdom Living Through Difficulties
Kingdom living through difficulties — Change your thinking! Difficulties, tests and trials are opportunities to demonstrate God’s Agape Love, wisdom and grace working through you.
Kingdom living through difficulties — Change your thinking! Difficulties, tests and trials are opportunities to demonstrate God’s Agape Love, wisdom and grace working through you.
Kingdom Living without Intimidation – is the tool of the enemy. The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy you, your family, your attitude, your faith, your testimony and your peace. The devil uses intimidation and fear as a tactic.
God will never leave you nor forsake you. HE will protect you even when the snake bites. Problems are part of this fallen world. Greater is HE who is in you than the snake attached to your arm. God is always greater than your problem.
Jesus Christ has given you power over all the idols of this world. You have victory over the enemy/idols of fear, regret, lack, depression, heaviness, shame, guilt, condemnation, loneliness, despair, bitterness, anger through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Living has Benefits. How would you like to lack nothing and lack no good thing? Blessings come to those who seek the Lord and fear HIM.
Kingdom Living is Trusting God. Grumbling, complaining, blaming and whining are forms of contempt which caused the Israelites to not enter the Promised Land. Caleb had a different spirit and trusted God wholeheartedly. Caleb entered the Promised Land.