Kingdom Living Offers

Kingdom Living Resources


The Repple Minute is all about EMPOWERING you to explore all that God has for you in Kingdom Living.  We are grateful for every person who takes the time to access our free resources – whether it be signing up for free email delivery of Glenn’s daily Monday-Friday The Repple Minute; studying through the groundbreaking “Fraud: What God Has to Say About the Tactics of the Enemy” book and series; or the popular and impactful Kingdom Living Podcast series.- and our prayer is that is beneficial and life-giving to you and those you share this message with.

Please feel free to access any of the additional resources below with our intent of helping you REACH YOUR PURPOSE through Kingdom Living!



Current Offer:

Take Authority Offer

“Take Authority: Decrees & Declarations”

Check out the Kingdom Living Podcast Episode “Take Authority: Decree & Declare”



More Kingdom Living Offers: