The Christmas Story
The Christmas Story
What is the purpose of Jesus coming to earth?
Why did God send HIS SON to earth?
The purpose of Jesus Christ coming to earth was told 700 years before it happened in Isaiah. He tells us 700 years before Christ coming to earth that the punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, (Jesus) and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.
God’s intended purpose and will in Christ (Christmas) is to restore, redeem mankind into HIS NEW CREATION. Jesus Christ coming to earth is/was God’s plan to fix what Adam through High Treason had caused which is death, sin, sickness and disease.
God’s intentional purpose was/is to redeem mankind by giving Jesus to be the payment/punishment required for the well-being freedom from sin and death brought by the HIGH TREASON of Adam.
We are Spirit beings made in the Spiritual image and likeness of God which is Love. We are love beings made to live forever. We were made to reign and rule over God’s creation which Adam gave up control to the Satan.
The New Creation (Christmas Story) of God’s amazing love in HIS redemption plan came by way of the Word becoming human flesh, Jesus. Jesus has been from the beginning and spoke the Word of creation into existence. HE said, “let there be light” and HE is the light which has come to fill the darkness of man’s depravity caused by the High Treason of Adam against God causing sin and death to HIS children.
Christmas is the Good News of Jesus coming to earth to make mankind Righteousness by the Righteous One. Jesus taking the punishment for the unrighteous so that man could become the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Man in Christ is able to enter into God’s presence without sin, sickness and disease. The New Creation was established so that ALL mankind could enter into God’s eternal presence in Christ Jesus. The redemption plan was complete and finished on the Cross through the declaration of the resurrected Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas!
Joy to the World the Savior, Redeemer and King has come to take the punishment to bring Righteousness and eternal LIFE to ALL mankind in Christ Jesus.
Receive the Gift of the redeemed Righteous Love of God in Christmas.
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