Kingdom Living with the Favor of God



Kingdom Living with the Favor of God

Do you know the King of the country has granted you favor? Do you really, really know the King has granted you HIS favor? Are you aware the King has all the resources ready for you? HE is ready to send you HIS blessing to go build HIS country (Kingdom). HE is ready to give you safe travel, protection and all the provisions of the King’s country (Kingdom of God). You will be under the protection and authority of the King as you use HIS resources.

Nehemiah knew the power of God in his life. “And because the gracious hand of my God was upon me, the king granted my requests.” Nehemiah 2:8

Nehemiah’s request to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was granted because the “gracious hand of God was upon Nehemiah.” The King granted Nehemiah safe travel back to Jerusalem. Because of God’s gracious favor on Nehemiah, he also asked the King to pay for his journey. He also asked the King to provide for all the material and resources needed to rebuild.

The gracious hand of God is upon you. The favor of King Jesus is on you as a redeemed child of God through the resurrected Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit lives in you, HIS temple.

You are the walking Temple of God. You have received salvation however there may still be rubble around you. As a child of God, your calling is to rebuild the walls around the temple. The Holy Spirit is in the reconstruction business. HE wants to restore the rubble of broken relationships. HE wants to set the foundation of your life firmly in HIS Word. The Holy Spirit’s job is to restore you into the intended likeness of Christ Jesus. HE wants you to take HIS gracious hand of favor on your life. HE wants you to walk with the confidence that you are HIS child, redeemed, loved, forgiven and restored in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.

King Jesus through the power of HIS SPIRIT has given you a spirit of power, love and a sound mind to conquer all worries, fear, brokenness, defeat and rejection. HE has given you all the resources you need to rebuild, restore and reconstruct your life through HIS favor on your life.

You are accepted and loved by God.

Allow the Word of God to dwell in you richly today so you can walk in your identity and knowledge of the King’s love for you. Walk today knowing all the privileges of the Kingdom of God are yours NOW!

Copyright © 2022 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED