Kingdom Living Preparation
Kingdom Living Preparation
God uses all of our experiences, circumstances, trials and failures to prepare us for the opportunity that HE will bring at just the right time. God used tending sheep as a form of preparation in David’s life. What seemed like an ordinary task with little meaning God used to save Israel (His nation) from the Philistines. David learned to play the harp while tending the sheep. David learned to fight bears and lions to protect the sheep. All of this preparation of skills and abilities was used at just the right time. Most importantly God was preparing David’s heart. David had a heart for the Lord such that the Spirit of the Lord was on David. Your wilderness experience is the preparation needed to shape your heart toward God. Can HE trust you with the Opportunity?
Opportunities come disguised as problems. Opportunity is the timing of God with preparation. God likes to use the problems in life to test your heart to see what is really inside. When you are tested and squeezed what comes out? Can you say as the Apostle Paul said, count it pure joy when you suffer trials? Because suffering trials is testing your faith.
“If you are not faithful over little HE cannot trust you with the true riches of heaven.”
“Well done thy good and faithful servant you have been faithful over little I will put you in charge of much.”
Greater responsibility comes through faithfulness and perseverance.
He that has will be given more. He that does not have what he has will be taken away.
What you have is the faithfulness of trusting God through the trial, adversity or storm. Your faithfulness through the circumstance or problem is the preparation that God uses to test what is really in your heart.
Never ever give up! Continue and persevere through your trial or circumstance. Look at every problem today as an opportunity. God uses everything for your good to shape your character. HE uses suffering for your good because HE loves you. Receive God’s love today. Go and love God and others.
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