Kingdom Living Morning Prayer


Morning Prayer

In the name of Jesus, I decree from this moment forward I see myself the way my Abba Father sees me. I am made in my Abba Father’s image and likeness as HIS offspring with HIS Devine Nature Living in me. HE sees me through the blood of Jesus Christ. I have been washed clean of my guilt consciousness.

• I am Agape Loved by my Abba Father

• I am THE Temple of my Abba Father

• I have the promised gift of the Holy Spirit from my Abba Father

• I am the Kingdom of God on Earth by my Abba Father

• I am highly favored by my Abba Father

• I am crowned with glory and honor by my Abba Father

• I am the righteousness of Abba Father in Christ Jesus

• I am reigning as a King- Priest forever in life through the one man Jesus Christ the Messiah

• Now in Jesus name I declare by faith that I walk in divine favor and health by the Holy Spirit

• I have preferential treatment by my Abba Father

• I have supernatural increase by my Abba Father

• I have restoration, redemption and a new nature by my Abba Father

• I have prominence by my Abba Father

• I have petitions granted, laws changed, policies and rules changed, and battles won that I do not have to fight for my Abba Father fights them for me

• Why? All because of the favor of my Abba Father

• The blessings and the favor of my Abba Father are on my life in Jesus name

• Every morning when I rise, I will speak and expect divine favor to go before me as I fellowship with the Holy Spirit and he surrounds me as a shield, with Goodwill, and pleasures forever more

• Doors are now open for me that men have said are impossible to open by the Holy Spirit

• With the Holy Spirit No obstacle can stop me.

• With the Holy Spirit No hindrances can delay me.

• In Jesus name I am honored by my Abba Father

• I receive genuine favor that comes directly From my Abba Father by the presence of his Holy Spirit

• I am special to my Abba Father

• I am the object of my Abba Father’s affection

• I am the apple of my Abba Fathers eye

• I am blessed and highly favored by my Abba Father

• I am chosen by my Abba Father to be the Bride of Christ

• In Jesus name amen and so be it In Jesus name

From Bill Winston Ministries changed by Bruce Woodard and Glenn Repple

Copyright © 2023 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED