Kingdom Living Knowledge and Thankfulness
Kingdom Living Knowledge and Thankfulness
My people are destroyed (perish) from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. – Hosea 4:6
What kind of knowledge are you receiving? The issue is not necessarily knowing the facts about God; the issue is having firsthand experience in a relationship with God. We gain knowledge by reading and going to school. We get experience by putting the knowledge through faith into practice.
The wise man is the person who hears the word of God and puts it into practice by building his house on the rock. The rock is putting the word of God into practice.
Victory is learning to put into practice what you have seen and heard about the Kingdom of God through God’s Holy Spirit living in you.
Gratitude is the attitude that sets the altitude for living. When you have a thankful heart, when the love of God is alive in you, what comes out is an attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness.
Choose thankfulness over complaining? Thankfulness is what you put on to replace complaining. Put on the mind of Christ which is in Christ Jesus. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
You can rejoice and be thankful because of the following:
- God’s Holy Spirit lives in your temple – your body.
- God’s Holy Spirit is righteousness, peace and joy living in you.
- God’s Holy Spirit confirms in you that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
- God’s Holy Spirit in you allows you to love with God’s agape love.
- God’s Holy Spirit in you gives you Shalom Peace which transcends all understanding.
- God’s Holy Spirit living in you allows you to enter boldly into the presence of God.
- God’s Holy Spirit in you allows you to live in thankfulness without regret, without fear, without shame, without anger and without complaining.
Knowing God brings a thankful and joyful heart. Kingdom living in knowing God’s love.
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