Kingdom Living is Trusting with ALL
Kingdom Living is Trusting with ALL — Trust ME
5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC
Put your name here: _________, trust ME, I am your Daddy, Father, who knew you before I formed the foundation of the world. I love you. I accept you. I have given my love for you in sending my son Jesus Christ to redeem you and deliver you from the Satanic Rule which you have been born into because of Adam’s high treason by not trusting ME.
Trust ME,
Trust ME,
Trust Me,
Trust ME,
Trust ME,
Trust ME!
□ with ALL your HEART,
□ with ALL your SOUL,
□ with ALL,
I am a Spirit, Love and Righteous Being. You are created in MY image and likeness of Love and Righteousness. You are a Love Being of MY same KIND. The things you cannot see, like oxygen, air, wind and MY SPIRIT, are greater than what you can see. Stop trusting in your own intellect, five senses, feelings and emotions! TRUST ME with EVERYTHING!
Your spirit was dead because of Adam’s disobedience but is alive through Christ Jesus’ death and resurrection. You have been made RIGHTEOUS because of MY love for you through Jesus Christ. You can stand boldly before ME because ALL your selfishness, sin, guilt, shame and wrong-doing has been paid/redeemed and I/GOD will never remember them again. You have been born again into a NEW CREATION with MY HOLY SPIRIT lives in you. You can stop striving, trying to gain acceptance and approval. ALL sickness, disease, judgment, spiritual death and curse has been taken on the cross through Jesus Christ.
I sent my son JESUS CHRIST to transform you into MY likeness and image of Love. The emotions you inherited come from Adam are not from ME your FATHER. You are no longer under the Satanic RULE of this world which is controlled by man’s trusting in his five senses, his own intellect and in his emotions and feelings. I now give you the power and authority which I gave Adam to rule and reign as a King and Priest to do MY WILL which will bring honor and glory to ME.
ALL my power and authority has been given to you as you sit at MY right hand in CHRIST JESUS as my son and daughter in Christ Jesus.
Your path is straight in ME. You have the legal right to use my name. My name is above every name in heaven and earth NOW.
Go speak LIFE into others no matter the circumstance or problem TRUSTING in ME with EVERYTHING with ALL your Love BEING.
Copyright © 2024 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED