Kingdom Living is Trusting God


Kingdom Living is Trusting God

Imagine standing on the side of a pool ready to jump into the water. Now imagine standing on the side of a fiery furnace ready to jump into the furnace. ShadrachMeshach, and Abednego had this experience. They refused to bow down to the idol of gold and chose the fiery furnace. Are you bowing to an idol?

Are you willing to jump into the fire and trust God? Are you willing to walk on the water and trust God? Are you willing to speak to the mountain by trusting God to move the mountain?

The fiery furnace, walking on water, and the mountain can represent the idols you are bowing to of fear, doubt, regret, unforgiveness, disappointments, pain, hurt, rejection, sin, guilt and condemnation in your life. God wants you to trust and love HIM with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. Gods wants an intimate relationship with His children. God wants you to let go and jump into the fire like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. HE will be with you in the fire. You can trust HIM as you walk around in the fiery furnace. You can trust HIM as you walk on the water of your circumstances. HE will give you the strength to walk on spiritual water. It is only when you look into Jesus’ eyes will you get the peace which passes all understanding. The mountain of fear, regret, shame, and condemnation will be moved.

God’s perfect love allows you to cast out fear. God’s love never ever fails. God’s love for you is the antidote to fear, shame, guilt, regret and condemnation. Some people only love God when they are getting their own way with God. When it comes to going through the fire or moving the mountain, they bow down to the idol. They run toward the fear, shame, guilt, regret and condemnation. They find comfort in this response versus finding comfort in the wisdom, power and love of Holy God.

Playing it safe is trusting God. Playing it safe is receiving God’s love. Playing it safe is looking into the eyes of Jesus as you jump into the fiery furnace of your circumstance knowing HE will provide for you and protect you.

The devil is a roaring lion looking to destroy you, your family and your peace. The devil wants you to trust in your five senses by focusing on the problem and circumstance. He wants you to worship the idol of fear, blame, guilt, condemnation, regret and shame. Your battle is not against the problem or circumstance; it is a battle for your mind and heart. Your battle is not against another person but in the spiritual realm. God’s love for you allows you to jump into the fiery furnace and not get burned because you love God and others. The pain of the problem and circumstance goes away as you jump (love God and love others).

The jump is toward knowing God’s abundant love by trusting HIM and not bowing down to the idols screaming at you to trust fear, regret, loneliness, blame, shame and condemnation.

Kingdom Living is trusting God.

Copyright © 2022 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED