Kingdom Living Is Freedom
Kingdom Living is Freedom
17 For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world,
that the world might
find salvation and
be made safe and sound through Him. John 3:17 AMP
18 Well then, as one man’s trespass [one man’s false step and falling away led] to condemnation for all men,
one Man’s act of righteousness [leads]
to acquittal and
right standing with God and
life for all men. Romans 5:18 AMP
The enemy of God (Satan) is the author of condemnation, fear, rejection inadequacy, shame, regret, inferiority and lack. Satan is the father of lies. His desire is to kill, steal and destroy the TRUTH of GOD. The “God News” is that there is no condemnation, fear, inferiority, shame, regret, inadequacy, rejection or lack for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Are you living with the weight of condemnation and fear? Are you living waiting for the next bad news? Are you conscious of your wrongs, fears, condemnation, worries, regrets, past failures and unjust acts brought against you? Or are you more conscious of the Loving Righteous Act which Jesus did on the cross for all mankind by taking all of your condemnation, fear, worries, regrets, failures and unrighteous acts on HIM?
John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” The Son of God, Jesus Christ, has set you free from condemnation. HIS shed Blood on the cross washed you clean. You are given the gift of Righteousness. This is a gift which you did not earn or deserve. It is a gift of love from your Heavenly Father who redeemed you, healed you, delivered you, saved you and set you free from bondage of the enemy Satan through Jesus Christ.
You are no longer a slave to Satan and his unrighteous ways but a child of God in HIS Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.
The Lord sees you as HIS RIGHTEOUS CHILD just as if you had never sinned. Jesus Christ came to save you from all condemnation, not to condemn you. HE came to give you HIS Crown of Righteousness and Robe of Righteousness. HE came to give you a feast at HIS table. HE wants you to sit at HIS right hand at HIS banquet table forever. HE came to heal you of all your sickness and disease.
You have kingdom living in freedom as a son or daughter, born again into royalty with the Kings Agape Love.
Copyright © 2021 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED