Kingdom Living Is Character Training
Kingdom Living Is Character Training
The cross is a custom-designed assault targeting pride and self-assurance. Its primary goal is humility, greater dependence upon God and increased intimacy with Jesus and our Father. The desert experience is to find out what is in your heart.
Joseph underwent 13 years of character training, Moses had 40 years and King David developed character through the envious assaults of King Saul. What you perceive as failure God can use to teach you the FATHERS LOVE.
Abraham and Sarah failed by not waiting for their son to be born.
David failed when he committed adultery and murder.
Peter failed to love Jesus and denied HIM three times.
D.L. Moody said, Moses spent his first 40 years thinking he was somebody. He spent his next 40 years learning that he was nobody. He spent his last 40 years discovering his relationship with God and what HE can do with a nobody.
Do you need to be broken of the recognition of man? Your perceived failure setback or circumstance may be the exact thing God will use to break you from seeking the recognition of man. HE wants you to have no other idols. HE wants you to seek HIM first and HIS righteousness. HE wants you to know HIM and how much HE LOVES you.
If you are seeking the applause of man, you will be broken. Failure is a great training ground to be broken and tested.
When we operate in self-will, natural ability, reason and logic we miss God’s best. God works in the supernatural realm. HIS timing is perfect. HIS plans are best making and shaping us into CHRIST likeness.
Open your heart today in a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness. HE wants to teach you. HE wants to shape and mold you. Thank HIM for HIS discipline. Thank HIM for your circumstances.
Allow HIM to change you any way HE wants. Know God loves you. Receive all HIS love. You are a child of God in HIS family.
Copyright © 2021 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED