Kingdom Living in the Ark of Safety
Kingdom Living in the Ark of Safety —-
Are you prepared for the flood?
Noah’s flood is here and now.
The flood waters of wickedness and evil are overrunning our nation, communities, Churches, families, businesses, courts and lives. Satan is the prince of the air, he is an enemy of God, he is a liar, he is an accuser of the brethren, and he is a deceiver. The spiritual waters of the enemy have caused many people to give up and drown. The spiritual deceptiveness of evil and wickedness washes over their heads and they cannot stay afloat. The enemy is a liar and a thief. The enemy wants to destroy you, your family, your business, your testimony, your community and your Church. The enemy of God will do whatever is needed to defeat you, to discourage you and make you give up. He will get you to believe lies about yourself, others and God.
Have you built your Ark of Safety? Are you prepared for the flood? It is a Spiritual Flood of wickedness which has deluged the media, the educational system, the Church, our families, our marriages and commerce. The enemy wants you to depend on your possessions more than God. Your possessions have become your god. Jesus said life does not consist in the abundance of your possessions. Jesus said HE is the way, the truth and the life. The enemy wants you to believe and trust in things, stuff, power, prestige and your position and to discredit the Word of God, Jesus’ Crucifixion and resurrection.
And He (Jesus) said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more); for a man’s life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing overflowing abundance or that which is over and above his needs. Luke 12:15
Just the mention of Jesus is cause for being reprimanded in some schools. Bringing a Bible to school might carry the same punishment as bringing a weapon. Perhaps school districts realize the word of God is a mighty weapon because it is alive and active. It does penetrate the hearts and minds of people. The enemy wants God’s word to be kept silent.
The Ark of Safety from the spiritual flood caused by the enemy of God is the Word of God and the truth of God, found in Christ Jesus your Ark of Safety.
So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock.
And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a stupid (foolish) man who built his house upon the sand.
And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell–and great and complete was the fall of it. Matthew 7:24-27
Bring your family and others into the Ark of Safety which is the Word of God and the truth of God, found in Christ Jesus. The door is sealed by the Holy Spirit. You and your family are safe in Christ Jesus the Ark.
Copyright © 2021 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED