Kingdom Living in Praising the Lord
Kingdom Living in Praising the Lord
7 The Lord is my Strength and my [impenetrable] Shield; my heart trusts in, relies on, and confidently leans on Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song will I praise Him.
– Psalm 28:7 AMPC
Are you magnifying your problem more than praising God?
The way you magnify God and make HIM large is through praise. If you are depressed or discouraged, you are magnifying your situation more than God.
- You have a choice: depression or thankfulness.
- You have a choice: to focus on your problems or count your blessings.
If you are experiencing depression, stop right now and write down all of your blessings. Do it now.
If you are having relationship problems, be thankful you have a relationship with God. HE will never leave you nor forsake you. HE Agape Loves you.
If you are having financial difficulties, be thankful that God has always said he would provide for HIS children. HE provided the daily bread of manna for the Israelites in the desert. HE will provide for you.
If you are discouraged about your work, be thankful you have a job.
If you feel mistreated, thank God, HE is just. HE has redeemed you, saved you and forgiven you. God has shown HIS mercy and grace on you. HE died for you. HE wants you to have abundant life now and eternally through Jesus Christ.
- Are you willing to give up your depression to trust GOD?
- Are you willing to praise God and be thankful?
Focus your thinking on the resurrected power of Christ living in you now. Praise and thank God for your salvation and daily provision. Experience the abundant life in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit living in you now.
The best pill is the Gospel. The Word of God dwelling in you richly through praise and thanksgiving is your cure for depression. God inhabits the praises of HIS children. The antidote for depression is praise and thanksgiving for God’s love, mercy and grace in Christ Jesus. Your salvation and victory in Christ Jesus over sin, death, fear and sickness is worthy of praise. Your magnifying God will set you on high above your situation. God is greater than your depression, problem or circumstance. HIS praise and thankfulness will cause the depression to leave.
Say the following out loud over and over. There is power in words.
Thank you for loving me Lord. I receive ALL YOUR LOVE NOW! I am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Your Spirit lives in me. I am a New Creation in Christ Jesus. I am a Child of God. I praise you Lord.
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