Kingdom Living Has An Unfair Advantage
Kingdom Living Has An Unfair Advantage
As a son and daughter of God the King Lord Jesus Christ, you have an unfair advantage. Because of your Spiritual birthright, you live in privilege. You are favored, loved and special because of your family benefits of eternal security now, unconditional love now, abundance now and wellness now.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ is for you so who can be against you.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ says that HE will always love you and HE will never leave you.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ tells you that all of your sins are forgiven and all of your diseases are healed.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ is always for you. HE is a God of love, redemption, mercy, forgiveness and grace.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ says there is no weapon which can be formed against you which will prevail.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King takes those things which are meant for evil against you and turns them for HIS PURPOSE of RIGHTEOUSNESS and GOOD.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ is working everything in your life for HIS GOOD because you love HIM and are CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE. Every problem, circumstance, situation, health issue, financial struggle and hardship God wants to bear witness of HIS GLORY and RIGHTEOUSNESS through HIS CHILDREN. Your testimony is about how “Great is your God” who delivered you, healed you, restored you and reconciled you to God through Jesus Christ.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ says there is nothing which can separate you from HIS love. Nothing in your past, present or future will separate you from HIS unconditional love for you.
You have an unfair advantage because God the King Lord Jesus Christ is always looking at your heart, while man is judging and looking at your height, weight, skin color, hair color, race, religion, sex, wealth, family, job, education, intelligence, and abilities.
You have an unfair advantage because God the Lord Jesus Christ living in you is greater than everything, any problem, cancer, disease, situation, financial issue, employment issue or unjust circumstance. The Lord Jesus Christ living in you through the Holy Spirit fills you with HIS love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness and faithfulness.
Copyright © 2022 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED