Kingdom Living Freedom
Kingdom Living Freedom
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
When the Son Jesus Christ sets you free, you are free indeed! True FREEDOM is found in Jesus Christ. This Freedom is where you are no longer a slave in bondage to the world’s system.. You are no longer under the oppression and bondage to the fallen world.
Because of the finished, complete work of Jesus Christ on the cross you are set free from lack, you are set free from sickness, you are set free from the curse of the law. The curse of the law is poverty, sickness and death.
You can enter the presence of HOLY GOD because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross who took the curse on HIM to give you HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. You are no longer under the curse of the law trying to work for your salvation by self-effort. You can never be good enough or perfect enough to follow all the rules of the law. You are not under the curse.
You are now living in the Freedom and Blessing of Christ Jesus. You are a Blessed Child of God in whom HE is well pleased. Stop thinking you are cursed, and HE is not pleased. You can enter HIS Presence with Praise and Thanksgiving because of what JESUS did, not what you have done. You enter HIS Presence spotless, forgiven, clean, and washed by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. There is no shame, guilt, sin or wrong which HE did not take on the cross.
God gave HIS only Son to redeem you from the curse to bring you into HIS family to Bless you, to Heal you, to Justify you, and to Forgive you of all your sins in the past, present and the future so that you can be reconciled with HOLY RIGHTEOUS GOD. Jesus Christ died once and for all for your sin. HE does not have to keep going to the cross each time you sin. HE did it once and for all.
Knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:9-11
JESUS has opened your prison cell door of guilt, condemnation, fear, regret, not worthy, not good enough, and lack and given you LIFE more abundantly. Are you going to walk out of the cell in the Freedom of the SON?
Who the Son has set free is free indeed. Can you receive the Gift of Freedom from fear, sin and death? This is GOOD NEWS! This is cause for celebration.
Copyright © 2022 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED