Kingdom Living Acceptance


Kingdom Living Acceptance

How do you handle rejection? Rejection hurts but it need not penetrate your heart. Rejection can be an opportunity to bring Glory and Honor to God. Rejection is a test to find out what is in your heart. Rejection can be viewed as a gift from God. The gift is the opportunity to become totally dependent on God rather than man or any other thing. You become bankrupt of your selfish desires which cause you to come to the cross of Christ with true repentance and faith. You now can look at rejection as a blessing from God.

Acceptance is the antidote to rejection. Knowing that God totally accepts you is the antidote to rejection coming from man.

God accepts you even when others reject you. God accepts you with all your flaws, warts and pimples. God accepts you even when you blow it. God accepts you even when you sin. God accepts you regardless of your performance. You are accepted by the finished work of Jesus on the cross. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit lives in you. God loved you and all mankind so much HE did not want you to perish but have eternal life. God’s love for you is greater than any  rejection. You are healed completely of all rejection by the creator, redeemer and sustainer of life. Your  FATHER loves you. HE accepts you and covers all your hurt and pain from rejection through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Your acceptance by God is the antidote to rejection.

Now you can say, like Jesus did, forgive them for they know not what they do. You can pray for the person who rejected you to be restored and forgiven. You can pray that their sin not be found against them.

When you receive the acceptance from God you will not need the acceptance from man. You will not care who rejects you because you know you are accepted by the creator, redeemer and giver of life – your Holy Father. 

Healing from rejection will only come when you look toward the source of acceptance. If you are looking for acceptance from man and people you will continue to experience rejection because people will let you down. Your only source for healing comes from the acceptance found in Jesus Christ. When you decide in your heart and confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, then Jesus will become your only source for acceptance. The healing power from HIS forgiveness will empower you with love and a craving for nothing more than acceptance from Jesus Christ. You will no longer walk as a victim of rejection but in the power of the risen Christ Jesus.



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