Fraud – “Fraud” Day 4


Injustice – Day 4 of the Fraud committed by Satan against man.

Satan committed fraud in the Garden of Eden by stealing Man’s identity of Justice to be in right standing with God.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and loving-kindness and truth go before Your face. Psalm 89:14 AMP

The foundation of God’s throne is righteousness and justice. Justice flows from God’s heart. God’s love and kindness go before you in truth. God is not angry at you.

The nature of Satan is injustice. God gave dominion to Adam and Eve over earth while Satan is mad over being kicked out of heaven. You have been imputed with Satan’s injustice, anger, bitterness, selfishness, regret and unforgiveness because of the fall through Adam and Eve.

One of Satan’s tools is to get you focused on your unjust circumstance instead of God’s love, mercy and grace found in your redemption and the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. The resurrection power of Christ living in you defeats injustice. Jesus Christ took all injustice in HIS DEATH on the cross and declared that it is finished. HIS JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS was imputed to man and Jesus took all man’s sin and injustice. This is the great unequal exchange: HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS for our sin.

Satan is a liar. He wants you to believe and trust your injustice.

Have you invited injustice into your heart? Are you living beneath what God has planned for you because of carrying injustice in your heart?

Satan came to kill, steal and destroy you. He does not want you healthy, he does not want you to be celebrating in your salvation, and he does not want you to have the peace which passes all understanding.

Here is a list of things which the enemy Satan wants you to think on:

  • All the unjust acts brought against you in word and deed
  • All the wrong things you have done
  • All your inadequacies and insecurities
  • All your hurts, wrongs and unjust acts against you
  • All the shame, guilt, regret, fear, and lack these unjust acts caused you
  • You deserve more and better treatment
  • You were treated wrongly and need justice (man’s justice)

God’s throne is Righteousness and Justice which was imputed to you in Christ Jesus. You are forgiven and made righteous. Jesus Christ took your judgment on the cross and paid to bring you into right standing with your FATHER. You have been judged and the verdict is “NOT GUILTY.” You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Are you going to trust and believe in the finished judicial and righteous work of God’s love or trust Satan’s scheme of injustice?

Jesus Christ legally and judicially restored you back to your legal family as a Child of God in right standing with God. You have all the legal rights and privileges as a son or daughter of God. You are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are Justified in Christ Jesus.

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