Promised Land.
Fraud – “Fraud” Day 35
“Fraud” is a powerful accusation of the enemy – and the subject of Glenn Repple’s newest message in his long-running series “The Repple Minute.”
“Fraud” – as defined in the dictionary – is an “intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.” Glenn explores the concept that the greatest “Fraud” ever perpetrated is the one that attempted to affect everyone’s birthright, identity – and inheritance. He refers to the enemy’s subterfuge, in the Garden, that fraudulently stole mankind’s identity, purpose, and destiny.
Glenn makes the case that our destiny is to be in the family of God as a beloved child of God and that God already had a plan to undo the works of the enemy. Jesus Christ is the way back to our original value, purpose and destiny.
The Repple Minute is the daily message designed to inspire, encourage, uplift and challenge your walk with the Lord. One of the major purposes of the Repple Minute is for people to know their Identity in Christ and their righteousness (right standing) with God in Christ Jesus.
Glenn Repple is Founder and President of G.A. Repple and Company, a national broker-dealer and securities firm with more than 46 local offices and 25,000 accounts across all 50 states. He is also the popular author/columnist/radio personality that has continuously published “The Repple Minute” since 2006 to encourage, uplift and challenge us to step further into God’s plan by recognizing opportunities available through application of God’s Word to our daily lives.
Fraud – “Fraud” Day 35 – Original Airdate 11/07/18
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