You are the Living CHRISTmas Tree.


You are the Living “CHRISTmas Tree.”

Is CHRISTmas a season or is it a lifestyle? If indeed the Spirit of Christ is in you then CHRISTmas cannot be taken out of you. Christ is in you. If you do not have the Spirit of God you do not belong to Christ. Christ cannot be taken out of CHRISTmas because it is a lifestyle for the believer.

Government and man can tell you to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry CHRISTmas. They can restrict the display of the Christian Nativity Scene in government facilities. They can insist upon the removal of CHRISTmas trees. However, the truth of CHRISTmas will always be the Truth. The truth will set you free. Christ is CHRISTmas. Christ is the reason to celebrate. No one can take the Ministry of Reconciliation out of your heart. The seed of the Spirit of God has been planted in you. You are a redeemed child of God. You are in the Ministry of Reconciliation.

You are the CHRISTmas tree to the world. The world can try to take Christ out of Christmas because the Spirit of God is not in it. But man cannot take it out of you. Your CHRISTmas tree lights shine before man so that they can see Christ shining in you. You are the light to the world decorated like a CHRISTmas tree. Your lights are turned on and bright. They are flashing and sending the message of God’s love to the world through HIS son Jesus Christ. You are wearing on the top of your tree the Crown of Righteousness for the forgiveness of all your sin. Your tree is singing Joy to the world the Savior has come to free all from sin and death. Your CHRISTmas tree bulbs display God’s love, joy, peace, gentleness, redemption and forgiveness.

Your CHRISTmas tree is an eternal living tree which never dies. Your CHRISTmas tree stand is rooted and will not fall; it will stand all the tests, problems and circumstances. God has promised that HE will never leave you nor forsake you. HE is living in you NOW through the Holy Spirit.

God gave you the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. When you focus on the source of your strength your CHRISTmas tree will stay illuminated. When fear, worry, doubt, unforgiveness, regret, shame, loneliness, blame, anger, bitterness, shame and unworthiness come into your thinking, your tree’s power source is cut off.

Turn on your CHRISTmas tree and let it shine all year long. Christmas is a lifestyle yet we celebrate it as a season. Keep your CHRISTmas tree lit all year. Welcome and greet people all year. Merry CHRISTmas! The Spirit of God in you allows God’s grace and light to shine in you forever. You are the CHRISTmas tree to the world.

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