Kingdom of God Beyond Religion
Kingdom of God living is beyond religion.
How would you like to live in a Government where there is no shame, no guilt, no injustice, no unforgiveness, no anger, no strife, no worry, no stress, no sickness and no condemnation? A Government where there is life, liberty, provision, protection, health, Shalom Peace, abundance, love, joy, righteousness, work is purposeful, and you have favor and prosperity.
Religion carries a sin, guilt and condemnation consciousness through the laws of the old covenant. For the Citizen of the Kingdom of God, they manifest and experience Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.
Your new passport reads Citizen of the Kingdom of God/Heaven. Everywhere you travel you are a Government Official as an Ambassador. The Kingdom of God is a Spiritual Government in the Holy Spirit not a religion. All the privileges of the Government are yours now of health, provision, protection, safety, security, peace and 24-hour communication with the King.
Religion is performance-based trying to remove through religious activity the curse of the fall caused by Adam and Eve’s treason and disobedience. For the Citizen of the Kingdom of God, the curse has already been removed 2000 years ago through the blood of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus died to remove the curse of the law. The curse of poverty, sickness and death has been defeated. Born-again believers have privileges as Citizens of Heaven. They have abundance of provision, protection, health and knowing they will never die. The Citizens of the Kingdom of God have been restored with the Holy Spirit living in them now! They were dead. Now they are alive in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Death was dormant up until Adam and Eve’s treasonous act of disobedience. Adam and Eve lived for another 900 years after their disobedient act, so they did not die physically. The Spirit of God left them. We were made in the image of God which is Spirit. God is Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit there is no life. We are born dead. We become alive with the Holy Spirit living in us. The Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit a Spiritual Government living in the Citizen/Ambassador.
Jesus said in John 6:63 “The Holy Spirit is the one who gives life, that which is of the natural realm is of no help. The words I speak to you are Spirit and life. But there are still some of you who won’t believe.” The Passion Translation
4 Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 AMPC
The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]. 1John 3:8b AMPC
You have all the legal rights as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Dominion has been restored to the Citizens of the Kingdom of God. You are a child of the King. You are commanded by the King to spread the message of the Kingdom of HIS Love to all the earth.
Copyright © 2025 Glenn Repple ALL RIGHTS RESERVED