Kingdom Living in which Love covers all Wrongs


Kingdom Living in which Love covers all wrongs


Who is the author and originator of hatred?

The Devil, Satan, is the author of hatred.

The devil hates you. The devil hates you. The devil hates you. Can you hear these words? The devil wants to kill you. The devil is a liar. The devil wants you to live in hatred, not love.

Proverbs 10:17 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.

If the devil can get you to hate, be angry, fearful, bitter and unforgiving, then he can cause strife and dissension.

The devil is really good at causing strife and dissension in you.

  • The devil works in your mind with your thoughts. The devil wants you to feel angry, hatred, wronged, resentful, bitter and vengeful. The devil wants you to take matters into your own hands rather than trusting the Holy Spirit living in you. The power of the resurrected Christ living in you will defeat the devil’s schemes.
  • The devil works with facts rather than the TRUTH of your identity as being the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and that all your sin has been forgiven, past, present and future. God loves you is TRUTH. The Truth is God imputed HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to you on the Cross in Christ Jesus.
  • The devil works with feelings and emotions rather than the promises of God. Love covers all the wrongs of injustice against you and others. God’s love for all mankind was demonstrated on the cross. You can demonstrate the same power of love and forgiveness as Christ because HIS Holy Spirit lives in you.
  • The devil works with unjust situations to make you hate rather than knowing that God loves you so much that HE sent HIS son to redeem you. God has justified you. You are justified and made RIGHTEOUS in Christ Jesus. The world is fallen with injustice all around. You can walk in the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Look to the Cross and live.
  • The devil wants you to trust your feelings and thoughts versus the Spirit of God which is love living inside of you.
  • The devil wants you to speak words of death, destruction, dissension, strife, fear and lack. Life and death are in the power of your mouth. You have life in your mouth. You can change the direction of a conversation by speaking words of HOPE, LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

God loves you. The devil hates you. Jesus came to give you life. The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. The devil is a liar. HE is a destroyer of life.

You are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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