Fraud – “Fraud” Day 6


Truth Day 6 of the Fraud committed by Satan against man.

Satan committed fraud in the Garden of Eden by stealing the Truth of God. Man exchanged Truth of God for the lies of Satan. Man has a legal and Judicial right to be restored back into right standing with God in Truth.

What is the standard by which you measure reality and truth?

Truth is the absolute standard by which reality is measured not your perception of reality.

The Truth is that Jesus is Lord. There is a Kingdom of God. Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. There is a Kingdom of God economy. Jesus came to earth to bring the Kingdom of God to live in mankind through the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to redeem mankind back to their original value.

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Feelings are real but your feelings are not truth. Your feelings of fear are real but not truth. Your feelings of anger and bitterness are real but not truth.

You’ve probably heard the statement “perception is reality.” Yet your perception is not truth.

Satan is a liar. He is deceptive. He wants your perception and feeling of reality to become your truth rather than for you to know the real TRUTH of the person of Jesus Christ.

Satan does not want you to know the truth. Here are some truths:

Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the enemy. HE came to bring truth. HE came to redeem you from the lies and deception of this world. HE came to bring you abundant life which is victory over sin, death, condemnation, guilt, fear, shame, regret and your feelings.

Jesus Christ came to give you power, love and a sound mind in HIS HOLY SPIRIT living in your Temple. HIS power is greater than cancer. HIS power is greater than sickness. HIS power is greater than injustice. HIS power is full of love, forgiveness, restoration and redemption. HE restores you into the image in which you were created. HE is LORD. HE is worthy of your worship and praise. HIS promises are true. HE is the EVERLASTING KING. HE is the ruler of the universe. HE loves you unconditionally. You are HIS BELOVED child.

Jesus Christ legally and judicially restored you back to your legal family as a Child of God in right standing with God. You have all the legal rights and privileges as a son or daughter of God. You are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You have the Truth of God living in you through the Holy Spirit.

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