CHRISTmas Gift of HIS Word became Flesh.


CHRISTmas Gift of “HIS Word” became Flesh

And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth. John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and only who came from the Father full of grace and truth.

God wants to make Himself known to you up close and personal. Jesus is the reason for the season. Jesus is the living Word and the revealed Word through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is from the beginning. HE is the Word which spoke creation into existence. Bethlehem is when HE became flesh and dwelt among us.

Jesus is the Word become flesh. Jesus did not just bring a message from God and about God, HE Himself is the message of God’s redeeming love. Jesus showed us up close, in the flesh, what the Father is like. Jesus is the flesh of God and he lived among us here on earth. God is living in the human body, mind and spirit of Jesus. The Logic of God became flesh, became a human being. Jesus was God in the flesh. The word “incarnation” means “in the flesh.”

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Jesus will shine in the dark world. Darkness will not overcome Jesus. This is a Word of hope. The darkness did not overcome the light. In this depressed economic climate, in this world full of condemnation, lack, fear, rejection, unforgiveness, envy, jealousy, hatred, greed, failure and sin you are reminded God’s light will never be snuffed out from the world. God’s light shines and overcomes the sin of this world.

You can’t take Christ out of Christmas. Christ is a Spirit and lives in you. HE has saved you and redeemed you. The JOY of the Lord is in you. The Word of God in you is greater than the world. HE has overcome the world. HE is more than a conqueror. Jesus has conquered and overcome death and Satan’s rule of the earth. HE is the way, the truth and the life. HIS light will shine on the darkness. The darkness does not understand Christ nor does it want to obey God’s laws. Darkness hides from light. Darkness has no understanding of redemption, salvation and the freedom which comes in the resurrected Christ.

God’s Word will not return void and will accomplish its redemptive purpose. It penetrates the heart and soul of man. Love overcomes evil and will never fail. God loved the world and gave HIS only son Jesus, to redeem the world of eternal death and the rule of Satan, so that we could become the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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