Fraud – “Fraud” Day 7

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 7

Complaints – “Fraud” Day 7 – A claim is an accusation or assertion which may be brought against you.  Attorneys make claims/complaints for their client against their opponent.  Often, the attorney’s complaint is filled with fictitious facts against you which are not the TRUTH.

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 8

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 8

Blessing – “Fraud” Day 8 – There is power in the spoken word.  God spoke creation into existence and Blessed Man with spoken words.  “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who live it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 9

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 9

Steal – “Fraud” Day 9 – Satan is a liar and thief.  Satan committed fraud in the Garden of Eden by stealing the man’s knowledge and relationship with God.  Man exchanged the Truth of God for the lies of Satan.

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 10

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 10

Identity – “Fraud” Day 10 – Your original identity is in the image and likeness of the Godhead.  You are made in the image and likeness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  You are made like God!!!

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 11

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 11

Lie – “Fraud” Day 11 – The big lie of the devil is he wants you to believe that God will remind of all your sings, mistakes, bad deeds, broken promises, bad words spoken and everything you did wrong.  This is a big lie for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord (with a new nature).

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 12

Fraud – “Fraud” Day 12

Behavior – “Fraud” Day 12 – Your behavior does not determine your identity and destiny.  This is a lie from the accuser of the brethren, the devil.  Your identity and destiny is determined by a person: either Adam – or the finished work of Jesus Christ.